Radio: "If you are on I-90 right now proceed with caution, tornadoes are touching down everywhere"
If you ever hear this, just keep going. If you don't fly away, your life will be changed.
Saw 3 funnel clouds on Sunday driving between Blue Earth and Alden, MN. Two of those touched down for brief seconds. I watched in awe from sheets of rain, dropped pressure and a hummer (too much to explain.) Tried to pull off the road to get out of the storms path but instead made my way directly into it. Parked once to watch the insanity only to look up and see green skies above this moment I almost peed my pants (not joking, the feeling you get when you were a kid playing hide and go seek then added with a heap of adrenaline.)
After a few not happy waves from on-coming state patrol on the one way gravel road, I made my way out of the tornadoes vortex to a hill to watch from a distance. Wondering if this certifies someone as a 'storm chaser?'
Check that one off the list!