Monday, December 6, 2010

The Elf on the Shelf

The Elf on the Shelf just appeared in my sisters house.  Meeting this little guy, from the North Pole, was the first encounter for me, but not the last.

This tradition is AWESOME.

How does Santa know the kids around you are being naughty or nice?  Well, this little elf flies to the North Pole every night and reports back to Santa how the day has gone.  Then, he magically reappears somewhere new the next morning.  Giving the kids something to find/look forward to every morning, also giving the parents something to point to and say 'look who's watching.' making them more accountable for their daily actions during December.
It's a yearly tradition, starting whenever the Elf (ours named 'Flash') makes his first appearance.  IF it were up to me, he'd been here in May.

Yesterday was Flash's first day in 2010!  So we had to sit down, read the book on what happens with 'Flash' and remind ourselves that 'somebody's watching!'  Today, he's in the kitchen.  A reminder to us adults from the kids "he's watching you too!"

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