Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No time to think

We'd just got done watching a baseball tryout game in a stadium that was condemned after Hurricane Ike, but they let us in anyway, as long as we wouldn't take pictures.  Not sure if that was because they didn't want us to recruit their players to other countries or to report that tourists were inside this crumbling stadium that rested on the beach of Baracoa!

We were walking along the sidewalk, drenched in sweat deciding what to do next with the day when we were surprised by a random guy who jumped out of the back of a bicitaxi, hold a guitar and bag of instruments.

Next thing we knew we were making music with the guy, while amused locals poured out of the houses to laugh and enjoy.  Things like this were everyday occurrences on the island!

(video is from Jochem Tyhuis)

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